Internet Genealogical Bookshop

Stuart Raymond's Handbooks, Web Directories, and Library Guides / Tracing Your Nonconformist Ancestors: a Guide for Family & Local Historians / Stuart A. Raymond

Were your ancestors nonconformist? Almost 50% of the population were in the mid-nineteenth century.

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Tracing Your Nonconformist Ancestors: a guide for Family and Local Historians / Stuart A. Raymond

We all have nonconformist ancestors. In the mid-nineteenth century, almost half of the population were nonconformists. Family historians need to be aware of the diversity of nonconformity, and of the many sources which ill enable them to trace the activities of nonconformist forebears. This hand book provides an overview of those sources. It identifies the numerous websites, libraries and ar...

Supplied by: Internet Genealogical Bookshop Product Ref: RAY-NON