New members will be sent an information pack, confirming membership and giving details of society activities and publications. Members can register the surnames they are researching and these will appear in our quartlerly journal.Members are sent a copy of each journal by air mail.
Personal data provided to the Society by new members (including names, addresses and email address...
New members will be sent an information pack, confirming membership and giving details of society activities and publications. Members can register the surnames they are researching and these will appear in our quartlerly journal. Members recieve a copy of all journals as they are published.
Personal data provided to the Society by new members (including names, addresses and e...
New members will be sent an information pack, confirming membership and giving details of society activities and publications. Members can register the surnames they are researching and these will appear in our quartlerly journal. Members receive a copy of all journals as they are published.
Personal data provided to the Society by new members (including names, addresses and e...
Cleveland Family History Society e-journal only.
New members will receive an information pack, confirming membership and giving details of society activities and publications. Members can register the surnames they are researching and these will appear in our quartlerly journal. Members receive a copy of all journals as they are published.
PLEASE NOTE: Personal data provided to the Society by ne...