The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps

McLaughlin Guides for Family Historians / MCLAUGHLIN GUIDES FOR FAMILY HISTORY

detailed descriptions of the character and uses of one type of family history research source, in a readily portable format, with all the information you need to use and understand that resource. Regularly updated with latest changes.

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Agricultural Labourer (The)

There are far more records available than you can imagine, history background (all sources)....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B190

Ancestral Research For Free

what resources are available in local history archives, online and others to help your research ...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956309

Annals of the Poor

Old Poor Law to 1834; overseers' papers, settlement certificates, removals, examinations and the law concerning right to relief: pauper apprenticeship, bastardy....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B148

Civil Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths

Getting certificates of birth, marriage and death; using indexes; problems arising....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B143

Craftsmen and Tradesmen

Sources for finding more about craftsmen; apprenticeships, taxed and pauper; Livery company records and published lists; Union and company records; local information in parish and county sources. Newspapers etc....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B162

Education For The People

the history of education from Medieval times to now, including charity schools, ragged schools, military schools etc...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956316

Family History from Newspapers

What were they like at different times, who and what would you find in them? Location and research...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B153


How it was handled by the parish; overseers actions, bastardy bonds, court orders, filiation and maintenace. Effect on settlement; coverups. attitudes at different times; finding birth fathers....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B152

Interviewing Elderly Relatives

Extracting information effectively from any relative, interview techniques and recording.Family traditions evaluated....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B142

Keeping The Peace

the beginnings of having a police system from parish constables, Bow Street Runners and more modern policing with anecdotes of famous criminals and the police's part in their capture...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956319

Making Ends Meet

the lives of rich and poor (mostly poor) through the ages and how they lived (or survived at all) in pre-benefits times in detail from medieval help to modern times...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956321

Making The Most Of The I.G.I. & Family Search

How to use the IGI on micro-fiche and Family Search on line and what is missing...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956386

Manorial Records

Underused source of land transfer from father to son/relative, sales, mortgages, relations with the steward; also courts leet, petty crimes, neighbours from hell. Location, detailed survey of contents with examples and interpretation of documents found. Glossary of Latin and obsolete terms....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B156

Modern Wills from 1858

Wills proved in civil courts. Location, indexes, photocopies. Married Women's Property Act. Terms and interpretation of bequests. Abbreviations for making abstract....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B157

Nonconformist Ancestors

Chapel Registers, location, different format; alternative sources, legal records, parish accounts, where to find marriages; books of 'sufferings' when dissent was illegal; other possible sources....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B147

Old Occupations and Descriptions

Occupations found in registers, wills, censuses, general records, related to their period, with a note if they are obsolete, obsolecent or changed in meaning at different times....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B159

Parish Registers

What is in them at different periods and what is not; locating, searching and interpreting....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B146

Professionals and Gentlemen

Records of gentry, clergy, lawyers, doctors, teachers, military and naval officers, EIC officials....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B163

Quarter Sessions Your Ancestor and the Law

a history of how the Quarter sessions worked and what information is available ...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956311

Reading Old Handwriting

Manual to carry round. Three full alphabets 1800,1700,1600, with troubleshooting of difficult letters. Genuine writing, as used, not neat court hand or copperplate....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B150

Simple Latin for Family Historians

Names, numbers, relationships, occupations, descriptions, standard terms for events in registers, wills, basic deeds. How to read and interpret a Latin will Probate....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B151

Surnames and their Origins

Many hundreds of surnames, some grouped, with patromymic, locative, occupational or nickname origins. Index of names and groups. Simple place names excluded for space....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B161

The Bawdy Courts - Our Rude Forefathers & The Church

How 'The Bawdy Courts' dealt with various aspects of human life relating to Tithes, Wills, Divorce, Misconduct and the Witnesses in the cases...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956390

The Poor Are Always with Us

Poor Relief after 1834 to c 1930. Workhouses, migration and emigration, mobility of labour, job opportunties for the minimally qualified. Illustrated; bibliography....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B149

The Victorian Censuses

Locating and using the C19 censuses for 1841-1901; interpretation and search techniques...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B144