Discover Your Ancestors Periodical - Issue 96 (April 2021)


Keep up to date with the genealogy world and learn more about your hobby with the critically acclaimed Discover Your Ancestors online periodical. Whether you are just starting out or have reached a brick wall in your research, this will help and inspire you on your family history journey. Receive guidance from experts, tips on the best sources for records, explore connections around the world and bring your ancestors to life.* 'Common bargains'? Phil Wood explores the variety of marriages in Georgian times
* he chocolatier of York: Nick Thorne delves into the records to explore the history of the Terry family
* From theatrical princess to penniless waitress: Researching teen star Kate Everleigh's life illustrates the difficulties of tracking theatrical lives, as Nell Darby shows
* Posh paupers: Paul Matthews looks into distressed gentlefolk and the charities that helped them
* New women of the law: Stephen Wade looks at the revolution in the lives of women working in the law from the 1919 Sex Disqualification Removal Act
* Want to buy a rhino?: Andrew Chapman tells the tale of the first rhinoceros in England
* History in the details: Materials - wool (part 3)


Supplied by: S&N Genealogy Supplies

Format: Edelivery

Product Ref: SNG-7012