Discover Your Ancestors Periodical - Issue 88 (August 2020)


Keep up to date with the genealogy world and learn more about your hobby with the critically acclaimed Discover Your Ancestors online periodical. Whether you are just starting out or have reached a brick wall in your research, this will help and inspire you on your family history journey. Receive guidance from experts, tips on the best sources for records, explore connections around the world and bring your ancestors to life.* I do... or I sue: Almost 50 years after this law was dropped, Denise Bates looks at breach of promise to marry legislation
* Family sporting photos: Photo expert Jayne Shrimpton looks at how photography has encompassed people's enthusiasm for leisure pursuits
* A stained character? Nick Thorne roots out the hidden past of an expert on stained glass windows
* The healing waters: Daniel Hewitt investigates the records and registers left by spas and hydrotherapy hospitals
* A life on both sides of the tracks: Investigating the lives of private detectives can be a challenge: especially when they adopted different guises. Nell Darby reports
* History in the details: Street vendors and deliverers


Supplied by: S&N Genealogy Supplies

Format: Edelivery

Product Ref: SNG-7004