Keep up to date with the genealogy world and learn more about your hobby with the critically acclaimed Discover Your Ancestors online periodical. Whether you are just starting out or have reached a brick wall in your research, this will help and inspire you on your family history journey. Receive guidance from experts, tips on the best sources for records, explore connections around the world and bring your ancestors to life.* The secret worshippers: Stuart A. Raymond explores researching Catholic recusants through his detailed study of a parish in Wiltshire
* More than just scrawls on walls: Is graffiti a mark of disrespect or social comment? Denise Bates looks at its long history
* Tales of the Cartaret dynasty: Nick Thorne follows up a chance finding in the tithe records, leading him to the story of a Royalist privateer commemorated in America
* The child-snatchers: Playing to our insecurities both as children and parents, kidnapping remains a rare but particularly scary crime, writes Nell Darby
* Motherhood and madness in the Victorian era: Lorraine Schofield explores the gap between the ideal of womanhood in the 19th century and the reality of mental illness
* History in the details: Railway staff uniforms