Discover Your Ancestors Periodical - Issue 71 (March 2019)


Keep up to date with the genealogy world and learn more about your hobby with the critically acclaimed Discover Your Ancestors online periodical. Whether you are just starting out or have reached a brick wall in your research, this will help and inspire you on your family history journey. Receive guidance from experts, tips on the best sources for records, explore connections around the world and bring your ancestors to life.* Gardeners at the 'big house': Melvyn Jones investigates the work of the gardeners who worked in the past in large numbers at the country houses of the rich and titled
* Salt of the earth: Nick Thorne uses resources at TheGenealogist to add flavour to the family story of manufacturer and philanthropist Titus Salt
* Invaders on the street: Denise Bates explores the colourful history of street furniture
* Unusual crimes for a woman? The newspapers, throughout time, have detailed the 'unusual crimes' of women: but if they were so unusual, why do there appear to be so many? Nell Darby investigates
* Institutions of improvement: Lorraine Schofield tells the story of the creation of public libraries
* History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on belts and braces


Supplied by: S&N Genealogy Supplies

Format: Edelivery

Product Ref: SNG-6987