Discover Your Ancestors Periodical - Issue 50 (June 2017)


Keep up to date with the genealogy world and learn more about your hobby with the critically acclaimed Discover Your Ancestors online periodical. Whether you are just starting out or have reached a brick wall in your research, this will help and inspire you on your family history journey. Receive guidance from experts, tips on the best sources for records, explore connections around the world and bring your ancestors to life.* A nice cup of tea: Jayne Shrimpton sits down with a biscuit and a cuppa to explore the history of this British institution
* The marvellous Mitfords: Nick Thorne finds that an inheritance may divert sideways on a family tree
* 'Take cover!': Sharon Brookshaw explores the early history of air raids in Britain and how warning systems were developed during WW1
* From Hanover to Hackney: Corinna Meiß explores the life and journey of a German gardener from 18th century Hanover to a world-famous nursery in Hackney
* History in the details: Jayne Shrimpton on pockets


Supplied by: S&N Genealogy Supplies

Format: Edelivery

Product Ref: SNG-6966