Weston-Super-Mare & District Family History Society
The area covered by the Society is basically Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding parishes which make up the area now covered by North Somerset District Council.

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Membership Subscriptions

Details of the different membership subscriptions available from the Society, for new members and those wishing to renew via this website.

About Us

Weston-super-Mare & District Family History Society was formed in 1983 by a few Family History class students in the Weston-super-Mare area of Somerset, UK. The Society is affiliated to the Federation of Family History Societies. Membership now exceeds 300, and includes some overseas members.

The area covered by the Society is basically Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding parishes which make up the area now covered by North somerset District Council. Please visit our website for more information about the Society and to participate in our Research Forum about topics involving our area.

Further information regarding Society membership is available on our website:

Members' meetings, unless otherwise announced, are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm -4pm, at Our Lady of Lourdes church hall, Baytree Road, Weston super Mare BS22 8HQ. The venue is within easy reach of the town centre. Free parking is available and there is full access for wheelchair users. It is served by public transport. There are no meetings held in August or December.

The Society produces its own Journal, free to members, which is issued three times a year. A collection of articles published in earlier issues of the Journal is now available online at our website.

Subscriptions cover the period 1st January to 31st December. Anyone joining the society after 1st October will be considered to be a fully paid up member until 31st December the FOLLOWING year.

Contact Us

For general enquiries, please write to:

125 Totterdown Road
BS23 4LW

Our Website


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