The Society's publications consist of, first, the annual Rutland Record (free to paid-up members for the appropriate year), secondly a series of Occasional Publications, and thirdly several more substantial research reports, the Rutland Record Series. Over the years, these publications have made very significant contributions to our knowledge of the history and archaeology of the county. Many of the earlier titles are now out of print, but most of these may be consulted on the Society's website,, free of charge. Please see individual pages for details.
Annual Subscription details for new and existing UK and overseas personal and family members for the current subscription year (starting on 1st May annually). This facility enables members to pay on-line by credit or debit card, and for overseas members to avoid any high currency conversion levies. Since the Society is a Registered Charity, UK members who are tax payers have the option of making a Gift Aid declaration enabling the Society to reclaim the appropriate amount of income tax. Please note that, in compliance with the UK General Data Protection regulations 2018, by applying for or renewing membership of the Society via GENfair members are considered to be giving permission for the Society to contact them using the details given in the application. For full details of the Society's data policy please see its website
The Rutland Local History & Record Society (RLHRS) has its origins in the 1930s and its main aims are to promote all aspects of the history and archaeology of the historic county of Rutland and its immediate area. It does this by holding regular meetings and lectures (arranged jointly with the Friends of the Rutland County Museum & Oakham Castle). It arranges special events such as meetings with an accompanying walk in a Rutland village, and has an active archaeological field-walking project. Its small library of local history material complements the Local Studies collection at the Rutland County Museum in Oakham which can be consulted during museum opening hours. The Society also monitors local planning applications, commenting on them when appropriate, and has sponsored the George Phillips and Tony Traylen Awards for new-build or restoration projects which make the best contribution to the historic environment.
The Society has a significant publication programme, ranging from its annual journal, Rutland Record, to substantial volumes such as its report, The Heritage of Rutland Water, which was the culmination of a three-year project supported by a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. Suggestions for articles in Rutland Record or other publication projects are always welcome. In 2018 the Society published a biography of Richard Westbrook Baker, a leading agricultural improver who ran Sir Gerard Noel's estate at Exton, and its most recent Occasional Publication (in 2021) describes how the county of Rutland was governed in the unsettled times of the seventeenth century, linking to on-line details of many hundreds of local inhabitants.
Membership is concentrated in Rutland and the immediate area, but it also includes people from across the UK and abroad who have an interest in the county. Institutional members include academic libraries in Britain, Australia and the USA. Membership includes a copy of the Rutland Record for the current year and discounts on other titles which remain in print.
Further details about the RLHRS and its activities are available through the links on this page, via the Society's website, or by post. We will do our best to answer your enquiries about Rutland and its history, or to refer you to someone who may be able to help, and we are keen to welcome new members.
For general enquiries, please write to:
Rutland County Museum
Catmose Street
LE15 6HW
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