This section contains all the published material on the history of the town by the Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and History Society
The Society was formed in 2006 by a merger of the Leighton Buzzard & District Archaeological Society and the Leighton Linslade Local History Research Group, both groups having been involved in local research for a number of years. Our focus is on the local landscape, with research into how human activity has changed that landscape and the impact that local people and industries have made. The Society welcomes anyone interested in learning about the past of our area.
The Society's aims are to promote an interest in the past and to carrying out research in order to record our recent history and prehistory and publish these results in books, newsletters and reports. In order to do this we aim to build up a multi-layered record of the district which can be added to over time, embellished by detailed study and accessed by people interested in any aspect of our past.
For general enquiries, please write to:
3 Mentmore Gardens
Leighton Buzzard
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