We welcome any donations in support of our work to transcribe and make available Wiltshire family history related records.
If you would like to help, please click on "Donation £5" and then, on the 'My Basket' page, you will be able to adjust the quantity to indicate how much you want to donate
. ....................and Thank You!......
A gift for the person who may think they have everything! A worldwide membership subscription to Wiltshire Family History Society (FHS), which covers up to two members of the same family permanently living at the same address. It runs for twelve months from the effective joining date, which is when the Membership Secretary creates the membership record.
The recipient will receive four quarterly...
Annual, worldwide membership subscription, which covers up to two members of the same family permanently living at the same address. It runs for twelve months from your effective joining date, which is when the Membership Secretary creates your membership record.
You will receive four quarterly journals during your membership year, have access to our Members' Area and have your research inter...
Renew your annual membership here. We hope you have enjoyed your membership and thank you for renewing.
If you renew before your current subscription expires you will retain your membership number, any registered research interests and continue to receive our quarterly journal.
When renewing please ensure you enter your email and your present membership number.
Here's to another year of b...