All Members can join the Society or renew their subscriptions through GENfair.
For new members UK/Worldwide. Journals will be sent by email in PDF format. Membership runs from January to December but if you join later in the year, you receive the back journals for that year. If you join after 1st November your membership will be deemed to be for the succeeding year (unless you say otherwise) and you will therefore not receive a Journal until the following Spring. There is...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M017
For existing members UK/Worldwide. Journals will be sent by email in PDF format. ...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M016
For NEW members living in the UK. with one copy per issue of the printed journal sent by post. Membership runs from January to December but if you join later in the year, you receive the back journals for that year. If you join after 1st November your membership will be deemed to be for the succeeding year (unless you say otherwise) and you will therefore not receive a Journal until the follo...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M018
For existing members living in the UK. with one copy per issue of the printed journal sent by post. ...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M019
For NEW Members living in Europe with one copy of the printed journal sent by post. Please state your full name and postal address, your email address and (optionally) your telephone number. Membership runs from January to December but if you join later in the year, you receive the back journals for that year. If you join after 1st November your membership will be deemed to be for the succeedin...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M001
For Existing Members living in Europe with one copy of the printed journal sent by post. Please state your full name and postal address, your email address and (optionally) your telephone number. Also, please state your membership number. ...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M004
For NEW Members living outside Europe with one copy per issue of the printed journal sent by airmail post. Please state your full name and postal address, your email address and (optionally) your telephone number. Membership runs from January to December but if you join later in the year, you receive the back journals for that year. If you join after 1st November your membership will be deemed ...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M015
For Existing Members living outside Europe with one copy per issue of the printed journal sent by airmail post. Please state your full name and postal address, your email address and (optionally) your telephone number. Also, please state your membership number. ...
Supplied by: Bedfordshire Family History Society Product Ref: BDF-M005