Lothians Family History Society

Shale Oil: A history of the industry in the Lothians by Guthrie Hutton

The fascinating story which begins with a visionary chemist from Glasgow, James Young, and his innovation and tenacity in developing and refining the process of extracting useable oil from the Lothian shale fields. Much has been written about mining and Scottish coal but relatively little about the shale oil industry which brought whole villages into existence and transformed an entire area west o...

Supplied by: Lothians Family History Society Product Ref: LOT-SL022

The Borders Last Days of Steam by W. A. C. Smith

Pictorial of the Borders last days of steam....

Supplied by: Lothians Family History Society Product Ref: LOT-SL052

The Lothians Last Days of Steam by W.A.C. Smith

As early as the seventeenth century, there were primitive wagonways serving coal pits in the Lothians. In 1831 the Edinburgh & Dalkeith (horse-drawn) railway opened, then the Lothians had their first taste of steam with the opening of the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway in 1842. The next fifty years saw a substantial expansion of the railway network, with routes pushing out from Edinburgh to many town...

Supplied by: Lothians Family History Society Product Ref: LOT-SL038

The Pentland Hills by Kenneth R. Bogle & Susan

The Pentlands cover an area of approximately 75 square miles and are some of the best loved hills in Scotland. Admired by Sir Walter Scott and beloved of Robert Louis Stevenson they house many archaeological treasures among their peaks including iron-age hill forts and stone with cup and ring markings. The photographs in this volume from the nineteenth and early 20th century evoke a gentler age wh...

Supplied by: Lothians Family History Society Product Ref: LOT-SL037

Wheels around Edinburgh By Alan Brotchie

50 pages of old photographs of Trams, buses, carts and Trucks in and around Edinburgh....

Supplied by: Lothians Family History Society Product Ref: LOT-SL030