'Not Having the Fear of God Before Her Eyes' - Ashton and Sale History Society Occasional Paper 6


The Scandals and Quarrels of the Masseys of Sale, and Their Descendants - Margaret Massey (the black ewe of the family), the quarrel with the Reverend Ralph Stirrop over the Massey family pew in the parish church, Richard Massey and Sir William Brereton’s Duck Decoy, James and Richard Massey in the English Civil Wars, The Reverend Hugh Hobson’s Marriage to Mary Massey, The Last Massey Esquire at Sale Old Hall, The Massey Family and Their Descendants 1660-1760, What Happened to the Massey Estate in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries?, Sale New Hall

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Format: Booklet

Product Ref: NWA-ASH30