Lincolnshire Union Workhouse Birth, Baptism, Death and Burial Registers


Transcriptions of the surviving registers for Lincolnshire Workhouses (Birth & Baptisms up to 1911 only) Included are the following. Births: Boston Union 1866-1879; Bourne Union 1866-1911; Gainsborough Union 1866-1911; Louth Union 1837-1866 & 1910-1911. Baptisms: Gainsborough Union 1888-1911; Lincoln Union 1827-1862 & 1900-1911. Deaths: Boston Union 1866-1941; Bourne Union 1866-1936; Gainsborough Union 1866-1935; Holbeach Union 1914-1936; Lincoln Union 1911-1944; Louth Union 1837-1866 & 1914-1930. Burials: Lincoln Union 1828-1845 & 1858-1889. In PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 or above needed (not supplied with this CD) A free download is available at the Adobe website.

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Supplied by: Lincolnshire Family History Society

Format: CD-ROM

Product Ref: LIN-063C