The download replaces the 2007 updated version and is now a complete record of all the burials recorded in the Burial Registers for Hyde Park Cemetery, held by Doncaster Archives. The price increase reflects the effort DDFHS have put in to create this near complete record.
The download now includes:-
- Grave section and plot number, name of deceased, date of burial, age and occupation (if recorded) of the deceased, last residence, place of death if different to residence, date of death, notes (for example if cremated where and when).
The download is helpfully indexed by the following:
- Burials by surname, page 5 to 1053
- Burials by plot reference (alphabetically by section), page 1054 to 2103
- Map and section plans showing plot reference, page 2103 to 2143
- Monumental inscriptions listed alphabetically by surname, page 2144 to 2392