Cheshire Journal 47, 2007-2008


Saltmaking at Higher and Lower Dirtwich; The Travels and Trials of a sixteenth-century Wirral recusant; Backford's memorial Boards: were they painted by a Randle Holme?; Hidden behind an oaken door? The last years of an ejected minister: George Mainwaring of Malpas; An eighteenth-century Cheshire Carrier: Twiss of Alsager; Mapping the Past: Tithes and their value in detecting the past; John Tollemache and his castle; The railways of Newtown, New Mills; The Neston Collieries – birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in Wirral and West Cheshire 1750-1850; 'Six females have been engaged as an experiement...' The Role of Women in Birkenhead Corporation Transport, 1915 to 1969. The Struggle for Equality in the Workplace in Microcosm

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