MIs from 38 graveyards, fully indexed and searchable. Graveyards covered are Blackley Baptist/Booth URC/Boothtown All Souls/ Boulderclough Meths. Sowerby/Bradshaw St. John/ Claremount St. Thomas/Copley St Stephen/Cragg Vale Meths./Halifax Quakers/Hebden Bridge Cross Lane Meths/ Hebden Bridge St James/Holywell Green URC/Luddenden Foot Meths./Luddenden Foot St. Mary/Midgley Providence Meths/ Moor End URC/Mytholmroyd St Michael/ Mytholmroyd Wesleyan,/Norland Primitive Meths./Ogden Meths./Ovenden Wesleyan/Pecket Well Meths./Pellon Christ Church/Rishworth Baptist/Bolton Brow Wesleyan/ Sowerby Green Congs./Sowerby Rooley Lane Meths./ Sowerby St. George/Sowerby Cotton Stones/Sowerby St Peter/Sowerby Steep Lane Bapt./Soyland Ebenezer Meths/ Soyland Stones Meths./Stainland Prov. Chapel/Wainstalls Mount Pleasant Meths./Warley Butt Green Bapt./Widdop Blake Dean Bapt.
Once you have downloaded the file, save it somewhere safe & unzip it. Once unzipped, go into the main folder & open the file IntroPageMI.html This will start the system. For extra ease of use, make a short-cut icon for IntroPageMI.html on your desktop.
Supplied by: Calderdale Family History Society, (incorporating Halifax & District)
Format: Edelivery
Product Ref: CAL-1MIC14