Buckinghamshire - 1910 Lloyd George Survey for Buckinghamshire


1910 BUCKS LAND TAX SURVEY (aka the 1910 Lloyd George Domesday Survey)

This survey listed all the land, property and rights in the county, the main occupier, the owner and their address, the type of property and its address; its 83,000 entries are fully searchable. Parishes, owners, tenants, lands, houses, gardens, shops, railways - transcription with the original images on USB stick System Requirements: Available on either a DVD or memory stick, full functionality requires either Microsoft Excel (2010 or later) or Excel for Mac although instructions are given to download a suitable free Valuation.

The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Logo


Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps

Format: USB Memory Stick

Product Ref: BGS-13930365