Included on this CD are the Admission Registers and Log Books for the listed schools. The Admission Registers give name of pupil and their date of birth, address, name of parents or guardians, date of admission and departure etc. The schools included are; Bardney Kitchings School 1909-1913, Bardney Wesleyan School 1875-1912, Bardney Wesleyan Infants School 1877-1894 and 1902-1912, Southrey School 1874-1912. The Log Books are for Bardney Wesleyan Infant School 1863-1886, Bardney Wesleyan School 1862-1908, Kitchings Charity Infant School 1877-1898, Kitchings Charity School 1868-1913, Southrey School 1873-1913. The Log Books mention the names of some teachers, pupils and visitors to the school, as well as illnesses and injuries, local events and activities, the subjects being taught, plus other information concerning the running of the school. In PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 or above needed ( not supplied on the CD) A free download is available from the Adobe website.
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