Ancestors' 16 Surnames Mug


Ancestors’ Surname Mug personalised with the surnames of five generations of your ancestors (that’s your surname, the surnames of your parents, your grandparents, your 8 great, grandparents and your 16 great, great grandparents). This is a great way to showcase your family history research. The mug makes a perfect gift for the genealogist in your family and your relatives! Matching table mats and coasters are available.

Size & materials: ceramic Durham mug 10 oz.

Washing instructions: dishwasher safe, can withstand 3,000 dishwasher cycles.

Product Personalisation

This product can be personalised by entering the following details on the basket:

Please enter up to 16 surnames. Please tell me which surname you would like in the middle of your design and its colour.

£19.00 Free P&P

Supplied by: The Crafty Genealogist

Format: Other

Product Ref: CGT-ASM