If you find a problem or have a question that isn't answered here, please contact us.
Our aim is to ensure all our customers will be completely satisfied with the quality of the goods and services that they buy from us. If you are not satisfied with the quality of an item, or if an item is faulty or is not what you ordered, please contact us with details. We will let you know the address to return the item to.
Please do not send the goods to us; you will need to return them directly to the supplier, whose details we shall give you.
In law you have a separate right of cancellation during a "cooling off" period. If you wish to cancel for any reason other than those listed in the previous paragraph, you have seven clear working days to let us know. If you wish to cancel under this provision, please contact us. We will refund your payment on return of the item concerned. The right to cancel does not apply to birth, marriage or death certificates.
If your order is for goods, the seven days start when the goods are delivered. We will let you know the address to return the items to. You must return the goods to the supplier unopened and unused at your own expense and taking care of the goods before returning them.
If your order is for the supply of services (such as a search service) the seven days start as soon as you receive our order confirmation but once we have started to provide the service, you cannot cancel.